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Make a simcha



Please email to sponsor a Kiddush catered by the PZ Sisterhood, and to coordinate sponsorship catered by a Vaad-approved outside caterer. See below for prices.


Please email to sponsor Seudah Shelishis ($150). 


Kiddush catered by the poale zedeck sisterhood:



Basic Kiddush ($300)

Herring and crackers 

Pickles/Olives/Baby Corn on platter 

Cut up vegetables and dip


Ices/popsicles in the summer

Assortment of Sisterhood Cookies 

Coffee and tea 

Paper Goods ($25 Fee) and Setup/Cleaning ($75 Fee)


 Additional Options

Chummus $20

Salsa and Chips $30

Babaganoush $30

Coleslaw $75

Whitefish $75

Bean Salad $100

Tuna $100

Fruit (Seasonal) $100

Corn Salad $125

Garden Salad $125

Pasta Salad $125

Egg Salad $150

Quinoa Salad $150


Hot Dishes

Parve Cholent $200; Meat Cholent $300

Noodle Kugel 2 trays for $160 

Potato Kugel 2 trays for $160

Broccoli Kugel 2 trays for $360



Miscellaneous Additions

Ritas Ices $250 for 5 gallons (seasonal)

Giant Eagle Sheet Cake (for birthdays/celebrations) $130

Giant Eagle Cupcakes (70 Cupcakes) $170

Decorative Sugar Cookies/Chocolate Dipped Pretzel Rods/Chocolate dipped pareve 

Oreos -$50/tray 

Ice Coffee Table- $50

Balloons $75

Color Coordinated Paper Goods $100


 Sisterhood Cookies:

**We provide an assortment of cookies at Kiddush, if you have specific cookie requests feel free to contact Rebecca Pollack to see if we can accommodate your request**

Chocolate Chip Sticks

Mint Chocolate Cookies

Crinkle Cookies

Lemon Biscotti


Oatmeal Cranberry/Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Neiman Marcus Cookies

Sprinkle Cookies

Honey Cookies

Key Lime Cookies

Black and White/Half Moon cookies

Butterscotch Pudding Cookies

Red Velvet Cookies


Cinderella Cake

Cherry Crumble Cake 

**Special requests outside what is offered on this menu may require you to hire outside 

wait staff**


For any additional  kiddush requests please contact Rebecca Pollack at

*Cloth Tablecloths are included with any Kiddush over $1000. For smaller Kiddushes, an additional $50 fee will apply.
* Check payments for kiddush should be made out to PZ Sisterhood.



Events with an outside caterer:

For facility rental/scheduling please contact the office, or 412 421 9786.


Social Hall (includes the use of the kitchen)

  • Members - $200

  • Non-members - $450

  • Tablecloths - $5 each


L-Shaped Room (does not include use of the kitchen)

  • Members - $300

  • Non-members - $450       


​All fees include custodian set-up and clean-up.


The hosts or caterer must hire a Mashgiach through the Vaad Harabanim of Greater Pittsburgh.


Hiring a security guard is the responsibility of the party making the simcha. If the event is open to the public, a security guard is required. If it is a private event, and the hosts choose not to hire a security guard, the building must be kept locked at all times.




6318 Phillips Ave.

Pittsburgh, PA 15217

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